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Flight Of The Dark => invisibleinkling@NuTang

Jennifer Palumbo
Age: 41
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: caucasian
Location: Philadelphia, PA

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Protista points: 1398
Popularity points: 1
invisibleinkling's profile

How interesting?   7.56   (25 votes)

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Interests & Affiliations:
photography, writing, vintage photographs, books, reading, records, vinyl, pin-ups, retro pin-ups, zoos, music, zen, meditation, monkeys, lizards, snakes, corsets, football, stars, the moon, adventure, cars, airplanes, flying, cartoons, eyes, dali, mc escher, fire, french, hot rods, ink, night, cheese, children, penguins, hockey, baseball, motorcycles, road trips, serendipity, sarcasm,

Favorite Bands and Artists:
alkaline trio, sinch, evans blue, tom waits, beethoven, brahms, vivaldi, johnny lee hooker, duke ellington, billie holiday, theres more but itll have to wait... ;)

About me:
I am a photographer and a spoken word poet, a native of the San Franciso Bay Area now based in the City of Brotherly Love; a nomad, a hopeless romantic, a cartoonist, a singer, a dancer, and dreamer. My life is driven by love, creativity, and mobility. My biggest dream is to see and photograph the world for the world to see, and I would love nothing more than to do t hat with my family by my side. I like to sit in the park and either just observe human existence or play with little kids. I I also like to wander until I find something new and exciting. Serendipity makes life worth living. Whimsy and wishes are as important to sustain life as food and water. I believe in love in all forms, and I am in love with someone absolutely incredible. We got married on Pi Day 2008! I love my job! I believe that all goals are attainable if you reach for them, but you can't look past the present to get to the past, because the present may be the best you've ever know. I am dedicated to an ecclectic Wiccan path, I am bisexual and polyamorous, and I am a well read woman. If any of that offends you, there's plenty else to read on the internet. I like to rock hard, dance funky, kiss softly, and dream vividly. For none of this do I apologize.

Many blessings and happy thoughts!


Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
I did....all of em! and yes, they were good.

Visit my friends:

little-b crochetmama etheracide Bartholomew LittleBrit AmbrosiaB Dormanium Invented_Bananas alexsedotcx baskinthemoonlight thaitanic mercury-system Sarah umbreons-shadow bluetopaz lyndeep Helena cKybayside laziewong theZEBRA randomjunk lazypuppy darthkaylee
I have 23 friends. [View detailed list]

Member since 2006-09-09 11:24:09
Last logged in 2009-09-06 02:45:45

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